Five Things to do When Visiting a College

College visit season is here for Juniors! Spring is the most popular time for colleges to host high school Juniors.

Visiting a college is vital to choosing a college-and it can be overwhelming when you show up and don’t know what to ask. Don’t miss these five things: 

  1. See what students are up to

    Look at the posters of different clubs and organizations that are offered. Are there things you would want to participate in? Ask a current student what they love about the school. They will be honest! Make sure to plan your visit for the school year so you can see where students study, where they hang out, and how they spend their time. The atmosphere on a random Tuesday is an authentic view of what the school is like rather than an admissions-led tour on a summer when all the students are gone. How will you know if students actually use the volleyball courts?

  2. Visit a class lecture

    Shadow a current student or sit in on a class lecture if you can. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a class that is within your major, but get a feel for the college level lectures and workload. You will likely take some general education courses in college, so sitting in on a general course can be helpful to get a glimpse into the types of professors, size of the class, and teaching styles that are offered. Ask for a professor’s email in the field you are interested in and try and meet them when you are on campus.

  3. See the dorms

    This is where life happens on campus, you will be spending the majority of your time hanging out in your dorm creating community. What are the living situations like? This is where almost a third of your cost is going to. Again, check out the different activities that residence life is putting on and what dorms offer traditions you want to be a part of.

  4. Speak to admissions

    Express interest by talking with your admissions counselor. These are the experts that are going to be reviewing your application, ask for tips on the type of student that thrives at their college. Helpful tip: you can also ask for a free application waiver code for visiting and you may even be able to interview in place of your essays!

  5. Eat the food!

    Don’t leave campus without checking out the cafeteria and trying the food that you will be eating for the next four years. How could you pass up an all you can eat buffet?

After your visit, make a pros and cons list-it can be easy to forget what you saw and how you felt on campus when you are doing multiple school visits in one trip. Don’t just consider the facts, but remember how you felt when you were on campus. You will call this place home for the next four years, you want to remember if it felt like a comfortable place to be. Were there places you could see yourself studying at? Could you see yourself living in the dorms and participating in the activities students are involved in? Most people say they chose a college, not just for their major, but because they felt a sense of peace when walking around campus. Many colleges may offer the major you are looking into, but not all will be the right college for you. The only way to find out is by visiting.

When should I visit? Plan to book your college visits by the Spring of your Junior year. Make sure you visit both a state school and a smaller private school-or an in-state and out of state school so you can compare and get a wider view of what is out there. Parents-be open to different types schools for your kids! Don’t pressure them to going to your alma mater, trust that they will end up there if it is right for them!


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